Schools Music Market Help Desk
- How do I sell my resources on SMM?
- Who can become a seller on SMM?
- How do I withdraw my earnings as a seller?
- What do I do if I have copyright concerns or notice any intellectual property violations?
- What file types can I upload to my SMM Shop?
- How can I get further assistance or support?
- I’ve spotted resource content that I feel is inappropriate. Should I report it?
- Can I upload a zipped file to my shop?
- What do I do about tax?
- Why hasn’t my resource uploaded yet?
- Can I personalise my SMM shop?
- Does it cost anything to sell on SMM?
- Can I still sell resources if I live outside of the UK?
- Will income tax be deducted from the royalties I get from selling my content on SMM?
- Will I need to submit a UK Tax Return to declare my royalty income?
- What are my responsibilities with regards to VAT if I am based in the UK?
- Do I need to register with HMRC as self-employed before I start selling my content on Schools Music Market?
- How Do I Upload A Resource?
- Tax & VAT